Oct 17, 20222 min

When you don't feel like it.

You don't feel like cleaning.

You don't feel like going out.

You don't feel like making a sandwich.

You don't feel like going to work.

You do not feel like doing ANYTHING.

I get it. We all get it. We have all been there.

We end up staring at a screen (typically) on our phone, computer, or television. Everyone goes through moments like this. The key is not to live there too long.

What is "too long"? It is subjective and dependent on a variety of factors. Usually, you know yourself, and if you do not, people close to you will recognize when you have been sitting in a passive or stuck-in-the-mud type of depressive state. However, even if you or your loved ones recognize this is happening, digging out of it is not always easy. It is rare any one of us wakes up and suddenly decides to snap out of it.

So how do we pull ourselves out of the doldrums? The doldrums are a good example of Newton's first law of motion, "An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion [...] unless acted upon [...]" It is easier to stay put in the doldrum state unless acted upon! It would be great if someone would act and push us out when we go into an inactive state—assisting in the law of motion and getting us out of our rest state. This does not happen often. It is up to us to change our state.

One way to start is to go for a walk. Getting physical activity in any form is a surefire way to get the heart pumping and certainly change the trajectory of your current state. You do not have to run. The walk does not need to be long. The longer it is, the more benefit you will glean from the walk. Also, if weather permits, taking that walk outside in the fresh air will also assist in helping you get in a better state of mind. Breathing in the fresh air and a change of scenery will help lower stress.

When it comes to being stuck with little to no desire to move, any forward motion or change will assist in pulling you out of that state. Take small steps if necessary but take the steps. Ask for help or maybe a walking buddy. You may be helping someone else as much as yourself.

Think of an empty bucket daily; you put a pebble in it. Some days the pebbles might be bigger than others and on some days maybe you put more than one pebble in the bucket. Eventually, the bucket is filled and even overflowing. The size of the pebble or action is not as important as the consistency of continuing to do the action. Every day, do a little. Do not forget to be discouraged and speak kindly to and about yourself.

Love Lots; Smile Often
